воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

alaska fjords kenai national park

Weight 173 lbs. Body fat 18.5� Days until Philly Marathon = 34 - OMG

I'm struggling my way to the finish of my training.� The Philadelphia Marathon is only 34 days away.� My legs are still a bit tight, although I'm think I've finally kicked whatever "bug" I had.� Right now, my work is also very busy - I work in accounting for a bank in New York, and I'm probably going to be working late hours all this week and I may also have to work on the weekend.� My diet is okay, but still could be better.� Since I'm working so much, I'm planning on bringing more food into work, so hopefully, I'll be able to get under 170 lbs. Before the race.� I started running my weekend intervals on the track to give my legs a break and to get a better perspective on pacing.� On Saturday,� I ran 2x 3200 meters� with 1600M splits of 7:15 and 7:20, the second 3200M, 1600M splits of 7:27 and 7:20.� (It was supposed to be 3x3200M, but I asumed it was 2x15 minutes - I have to start reviewing my workouts before running them, rather than trying to remember them)

I'm somewhat conflicted, I want to run the race and get it over with, but I know that I'm not ready, and hopefully, the next few weeks of training and tapering will get me where I need to be.� Nine months of work and it all comes down to 34 days and counting.� I know that I have to run a perfect race to have a chance at sub 3:35 and I'm starting to feel the pressure of having to deliver the goods very soon.� I wish that my legs felt better, I wish that I felt stronger.� I was supposed to put in an easy 15 miler today, but I overslept and the rest of the day was too busy, so I'm getting up extra early tomorrow (3:30 a.m.) and I'll try to get it in before I go to work.� I'm scheduled for a 15 mile run at race pace (8:0 to 8:10 per mile) for this weekend.� I hope that I can run that pace all on my own, I usually try to schedule a race for my race pace or faster runs, it's easier for me to be pushed by other runners.� I hope that your training for your fall races is going even better than mine is.� You would think that I would be relieved that it's almost over and I can run the marathon and no matter what happens, go back to just being a father and husband, my 15 minutes of somewhat obscure noteriety will be over. (whew)� I enjoy having a trainer and a nutritionist, and I've learned a lot about running and training.� But, what I've enjoyed most is getting comments from runner's who I may have helped or inspired in my own fumbling way.� In a way, I'm experimenting on myself.� Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying to achieve the goal of going from an "average" runner, to being a "good" or"very good" runner.� My final exam is looming on the horizon, I hope I pass.� Gotta go, now and get some sleep.� I'll see you on the roads...

alaska fjords kenai national park, alaska fjords misty, alaska flag.

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