воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

acc carpets

A flurry of activity this weekend for Barack Obama:

Knocking on Doors: Los Angeles City Councilman Eric Garcetti is in Nevada, leading a contingent of about 150 Los Angeles Obama supporters to canvass neighborhoods for the candidate. Included in the group is "Friday Night Lights" executive producer David Nevins along with other writers and producers.

"This is the western Ohio, it is a bellweather," says Garcetti, co-chair of Obama's California campaign. He says Obama has a 4 to 6 point lead in the latest polls. As for the Golden State, "realistically, we are ten points up."

He says that the campaign has about 200,000 volunteers in the Southern California region --- and includes a ground operation. "You are going to see the largest presidential field campaign you have seen in a generation," he says.

He's encouraged by the polls but warns, "Things could just as easily flip in the other direction."

UCLA Rally: Christina Applegate and comedian Chelsea Handler are among the stars who will headline an "Every Woman for Obama" rally at UCLA on Sunday afternoon at Pauley Pavilion. Speakers will include West Hollywood councilwoman Abbe Land, L.A. Clipper Baron Davis, singer Jamia of the movie "August Rush" and Southwestern Law School Professor Gowri Ramachandran. The event is aimed at voter registration before the state's Oct. 20 deadline.

Barack Art: Generation Obama holds a GALLERY HOP(e) silent auction and art walk in Venice on Sunday, with entertainment by spoken word artist In-Q, and the bands Le Switch and Vast Atlantic. Included in the event: A "Barack O'Lantern" carving.

acc carpets, acc cars, acc cart golf.

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